The Book of Mormon
has, within its pages, many pure, deep and yet simple doctrines that
graphically outline the Gospel of Jesus Christ and explain in a straight
forward and understandable way the plan of life and salvation.

I have pondered the truths taught in this
book. At the same time, I have been thinking as a poet and have used the
eternal concepts and doctrines to create my own poetic expression of many of
these holy writings.

The attached poems
are inspired by passages taken from this book. I testify that it is the word of
God. All who read, pray and ponder concerning its contents will come to know
that it is a revelation from God and a second witness of the divinity of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

T. Greenwood

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Basic Truths Must be Taught to Men

Promises Made to Our Fathers

Bitterness Comes with Evil Works

I Know Whereof I Speak My Son

A Man's Reward is no Good Thing

Today is the Day for Repentance

Those Who Turn Away the Needy

Prayers are in Vain when Mankind Fails

Cry Unto the Lord Over all things

The Atonement Doctrine

Faith is Not a Perfect Knowledge

Some are Compelled to be Humble